Thursday, 10 May 2007

Local News No.3. Good Night / Bad News (but you can help).

Very enjoyable evening on Wednesday at St Mary's Church, Long Sutton where we were entertained to an evening of music and song by many of the children from Long Sutton County Primary School. Some of the children had not been playing or singing very long and the success of the evening demonstrated the support given by many of the staff at the school. Well Done to all concerned.

Talking to the vicar afterwards I was concerned to hear about the state of the church roof, I knew it was in need of repair but didn't know how extensive the damage is and how expensive to repair. Without urgent repair there will be much further damage caused by the elements.

Irrespective of what you think of organised religion, the building like many of it's age makes many important contributions to the town and it's people. I could easily ramble on about what this building contributes to the Social, Cultural and architectural fabric of the town but prefer instead to ask you to think what it means to you.

It's not only the Hatching, Matching and Despatching of your life. Look for example as you travel around the town, the spire is never out of view, standing straight, strong and true. Impressive architecture and much more.

Think about the contribution the building makes to the social fabric of the town, providing a venue not just for religious worship but for many other meetings and events.

Think about how many people in your extended family have had use of or contact with the building in the last week, month, year.

Go into the church and read the large plaque on the wall dedicated to the memory of a woman who gave birth to 22 children. Think what the building meant to her all those years ago and to many thousands of people since.

For me the churchyard is one of the most photogenic places I know and I walk through it whenever possible. Every time I do I am always taken aback by the quality of light and shade, I always see a photographic opportunity.

If the building or Long Sutton mean anything to you then there is a practical way you can easily help, the church needs £200,000 to restore the roof and any small donation will help.

You can visit the church and make a donation.

You can dowload a gift form here, print it, fill it in and post to the appeal treasurer. Not forgetting to sign for Gift Aid.

You can support the many fund raising activities taking place in the coming months including an interesting, varied range of concerts in the church.

You can visit the church website here.

You can email the church direct here.

Whatever you do, don't do nothing. It's your town, your responsibility.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Joke of the Week No.5 - Prime Minister in Class

The Prime Minister was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the classes.

They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asked the Prime Minister if he would like to lead the discussion on the word "tragedy".

So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a "tragedy".

One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field & a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a 'tragedy'".

"No," said The PM, "that would be an accident."

A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying fifty children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not," explained the Prime Minister, "that's what we would call a great loss."

The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Tony searched the room.

"Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of tragedy?"

Finally, at the back of the room, a small boy raised his hand...In a quiet voice he said: "If the Air plane carrying you and Mrs Prime Minister was struck by a "friendly fire" missile & blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy."

"Fantastic!" exclaimed teh PM. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?"

"Well," says the boy "it has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident either!"